1958 draws to a close and we have pleasure in one again presenting our Christmas edition of Seagull. During the year we have seen changes. Miss Aspinwall, after several years of devoted service, left us to teach the deaf in Liverpool. We welcome Miss Brindley, Miss Smith and Mr Redmond from Manchester, and hope their stay with us will be long and happy. We shall be sorry to say goodbye at Christmas to Mrs Ormerod and wish her well in London.
One tragedy marred the year. The sudden death of Mrs Denmark, our late Matron, was quite a shock and our sympathy goes out to Mr Denmark and his family in their loss.
We are pleased that you, the reader, continue to support us in our literary efforts. This means a great deal to our contributors. Thank you.
Prefect roles
Head Boy: Thomas Scott
Head Girl: Kathleen Hayton
Prefects: Alfred Billington, Melvyn Oughton, Ann Beck, Diana Campbell
New children
Welcome to new children:
Hilda Barton
Lesley Beaver
Florence Chadwick
Janet Knell
Margaret Linton
Jean Turner