After last year’s poor turn out (40) and a great deal of deliberation whether to hold another reunion this year, it was decided to give it one more go.
As you all know the reunion was always held in May every two years to coincide with Sports Day at the school. Since its closure, it has not been necessary to have this date.
Therefore, the event took place on 10 October and proved to be a popular choice with attendance of 120 (maximum capacity allowed due to the size of the venue).
This time no disco was booked as it was noticed previously very few would take to the dance floor, but more so would complain that the music was too loud and the flashing lights made it awkward to lip-read.
Arrangements were made to play soft music over the speaker with reasonable lighting turning to upbeat sounds after the speech, but this was short-lived as it was requested by several members that the sound be turned down to enable them to have better conversations amongst themselves. Having no disco seemed to be the right choice this time around.
During the speech, I announced Jack Henderson to be our first President of the Birkdale Reunion Association in which he was very honoured and accepted this position with joy. He was met with a thunderous round of applause. I know he will be valuable with his advice and guidance. Jack will be a great help and a popular figurehead to have over the Committee.
Our main aim is to improve future events in which all suggestions will be considered. Please e-mail suggestions to
The date of the next reunion will be 2 October 2010, at the Talbot Hotel. All future events will return back to every 2 years. Prices of tickets will be announced at a later date.
W. Lamont
November 2009
Some photos from the Reunion here.