News from Clare
Clare Sparks was the “Best Star” again at college in September 2004 because she worked so hard in her hairdressing course. She has also been dancing from September 2004 till July 2005 doing hip hop, contemporary and street style every Thursday night, but Clare says the best news is she has lost two stones since she left School in July 2003.
Clare started her hairdressing NVQ Level 2 in September. She says it has been great so far, and she is enjoying her course a lot. She has been going out with her college mates, and they want her to teach them how to do sign language. Clare teaches them at break and lunch times. She has also been travelling more on the train to see her family and mates all over the country.
The Patter Of Tiny Feet
Laura & Tony Cammack are thrilled to announce the birth of their baby boy, Oliver Antony, who was born on August 24 weighing 7lb 6½oz. Many congratulations to the happy couple!
Mr McCabe Dies
Former housefather Mr Joe McCabe died in August at Benridge Rest Home in Southport.
The Midweek Visiter had an acknowledgement of thanks from Olive and family to staff at the home, the priests at St Luke’s Church, Howards Funeral Directors and Sefton Housing Association.

A Brush With Fame
Former pupil Michael Fahey recently entered a contest for a new ITV series, shown this Autumn, called A Brush with Fame.
After a lot of hard work painting portraits of famous TV stars, Michael was one of 80 artists to get through to the second round (25 artists) then the third round (10 artists). He just missed the first prize (of £1,000 and a place in the London finals) to get a wildcard chance to compete again for a place in the finals in September in London.
Michael says it was hard work, but a lot of fun and a great experience. He hopes to have another bash to get into the finals, but if he isn’t that lucky, he says he’s had a great time anyway!